Fogo Unia Leszno defeated Stal Gorzow 55:37 in fourteenthround of PGE Ekstraliga. Martin Vaculik fought seven points and two bonuses in five strats.
The Slovakian started his performance in Leszno with a victory. In the first race after start Nazar Parnicki was first, but in the distance he was overtaken by Martin, who scored three points. The Ukrainian dropped to the last position. Two points got Lebiediew and one Fajfer.
The race six ended with a draw 3:3. Grzegorz Zengota triumphed before Jakub Miskowiak and Martin Vaculik. Damian Ratajczak came last to the finish line.
In the nineth encounter Vaculik scored two points. The winner was Janusz Koldziej. Third was Keynan Rew and fourth was Miskowiak.
Unfortunately the clash eleven did not turn out favourably for the Slovakian. The rider ended the race with no points. Fogo Unia Leszno was already leading 37:29.
The last time, when Martin Vaculik appeared on the track, was in the race fifteen. The run ended with a draw, Cook won before the guests: Thomsen and Vaculik. Kolodziej was the last.
Fogo Unia Leszno: 53
- Nazar Parnicki (0,1) 1
- Janusz Kolodziej (2,3,3,3,0) 11
- Andrzej Lebiediew (2,3,3,1*,3) 12+1
- Ben Cook (2,2,2,3,3) 12+2
- Grzegorz Zengota (0,3,3,2,2) 10+2
- Antoni Mencel (3,0,0) 3
- Damian Ratajczak (0,0,2) 2
- Keynan Rew (1,1) 2 Stal Gorzów: 37
- Martin Vaculik (3,1,2,0,1) 7+2
- Jakub Miskowiak (1,2,0,3,1) 7
- Oskar Fajfer (1,1,1*,0) 3+1
- Szymon Wozniak (1,0,2,2,0) 5
- Anders Thomsen (3,2,1,1,2) 9
- Oskar Paluch (1*,3,0) 4+1
- Jakub Stojanowski (2,0,0) 2
Run after run:
- Vaculik, Lebiediew, Fajfer, Parnicki (2:4)
- Mencel, Stojanowski, Paluch, Ratajczak 3:3 (5:7)
- Thomsen, Cook, Miskowiak, Zengota 2:4 (7:11)
- Paluch, Kolodziej, Wozniak, Mencel 2:4 (9:15)
- Lebiediew, Cook, Fajfer, Wozniak 5:1 (14:16)
- Zengota, Miskowiak, Vaculik, Ratajczak 3:3 (17:19)
- Kolodziej, Thomsen, Parnicki, Stojanowski 4:2 (21:21)
- Zengota, Wozniak, Fajfer, Mencel 3:3 (24:24)
- Kolodziej, Vaculik, Rew, Miskowiak 4:2 (28:26)
- Lebiediew, Cook, Thomsen, Paluch 5:1 (33:27)
- Cook, Wozniak, Rew, Vaculik 4:2 (37:29)
- Miskowiak, Ratajczak, Lebiediew, Stojanowski 3:3 (40:32)
- Kolodziej, Zengota, Thomsen, Fajfer 5:1 (45:33)
- Lebiediew, Zengota, Miskowiak, Wozniak 5:1 (50:34)
- Cook, Thomsen, Vaculik, Kołodziej 3:3 (53:37)